Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Q3 - Promotional Poster

Here is our promotional poster. It was created using Adobe Photoshop CS5. We believe it gives the message of our storyline very well as it includes our main location we are filming at, our actress, ghost like figures, and the main title in a readable and appropriate font. Also, the black and white effect gives quite a sinister effect. We also added other effects such as lightning and clouds, as well as fixing the image for our location to make it seem as haunted as possible.
We feel we accomplished a successful poster, in that it will attract our target audiences.

We used ideas from other posters such as the Haunting in Connecticut which was very dark-looking. We did the same by only using darker shades which tells an audience it's a horror film. As we can see it seems as if there are some mediums in the poster with the person at the top of the ceiling. We tried comparing this to ours by putting our main location behind our actress which shows its importance.

Haunting in Connecticut poster:

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